Caries. Dental Treatment.

Caries. Dental Treatment

We believe everyone knows this term and everyone should understand the painful consequences of this problem. Caries, just like periodontitis, results from the accumulation in the oral cavity pathogenic microflora that destroys tooth enamel and hard tooth substance. This is an irreversible process with progressive nature. If upon examination we find the spots affected by caries, then we select and use different methods of treatment depending on the size of each cavity.

At the initial stages of dental caries we can use fissure sealing. This therapy is especially suitable for children. Used for later stages caries treatment method that includes drilling the tooth is conducted with the usage of pain relievers. It is painless for the patient and gives us the necessary opportunity in full treated carious lesions. As a sealing material we recommend for our patients either photo composites or ceramic fillings having undeniable advantages compared to gold and other alternative materials. As the ceramic is absolutely harmless for the organism, reliable, durable and compatible with the tissue of the tooth, with properties similar to tooth enamel and meets all requirements of cosmetic options, that allows to select the ceramic fillings according to the color of teeth.

To protect you from caries we conduct an intensive program of dental caries prevention and oral hygiene, providing within the program thorough dental cleaning of the teeth, paying special attention to the places between teeth.

We provide you with individual recommendations and explain in detail all hygienic procedures that you are to do at home in order to prevent dental caries.

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